Epra | Leadership and Entrepreneurial Awards

International Association of the Year

This award is given to the association that offers the most exemplary representation, advancement or experience for its members. The judges will consider the following:

Recent success in advancing the aims of your association / furthering progress in your industry

Delivering demonstrable value to your membership

Success in shifting the conversation

Heightened public & international recognition for the association and/or its aims

Proactive leadership

Membership growth / engagement / satisfaction

All fields are required

In case of technical difficulties entrants are advised to save a version of their core entry in word prior to submitting their entry.


Entrants have a maximum of 1,000 words in which to convince the judges that they are worthy of winning this award. 3 files of supporting material of no more than 4 pages each can also be included. Video footage can be be also submitted but should be sent as a link within the main body of the entry and should be no more than 2 minutes in length.

Suggestions as to what could be covered are listed below.

Give some background on your association and who you represent.

Explain the particular reasons that you consider your association suitable for winning this award.

Include any research, evidence, strategies and/or feedback that corroborate this statement.

Explain how the membership and profession, have benefited from any recent improvements.

Include any other information that may validate your claim on this award, and assist the judging panel in making an informed decision.